Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Semi-Annual Sunshine

We love General Conference around here!  We are blessed to have the technology available to us to listen to the prophet and Church leaders in our home.  General Conference is great - we get answers to our questions, learn what we need to work on, and feel the happiness and peace that comes from the Spirit. 

Having a toddler makes Conference...interesting.  Good thing we can watch it again whenever we want!  Actually, her nap times coincided well with the Conference schedule, and she was usually asleep.  But when she was awake, if we were lucky, Becca was happily taking care of herself (ie pulling DVDs and books off the shelf or making some other easily cleaned up mess):

However, Becca likes attention and doesn't normally like to play by herself, so she did a lot of pressing buttons on the laptop (that's me guarding the keys on the lower left), climbing into our laps, giving us hugs and kisses, and just generally testing our patience:

(Side note: while trying to keep her quietly entertained, we discovered we can now get her slowly-growing hair into a little Cindy Lou Who/Alfalfa-ette bow):

There were a couple rare moments when Becca sat on my lap without wiggling or making noises (very short-lived):

But even better was Becca's reaction to Elder L. Tom Perry - she was waving to him, folding her arms, leaning in with rapt attention, and even hugging him (via the laptop).  It was adorable to watch.

To tell the truth, it was nice to have Becca there to keep us alert - otherwise we were fighting nodding off towards the ends of the sessions, due to sleep deprivation.  I'm looking forward to watching and reading all the talks again - I'm pretty sure that my favorite was President Uchtdorf's talk.  We're grateful for General Conference!

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